Job Status

You had applied for this job. You do not need to do anything yet until confirmation.

You have been shortlisted on this job, please confirm based on your availability.

Congrats! You had a confirmed job! For an event job, please schedule to attend; For an online job, you may start to draft your creative.

Icon Legend

Talent applying for this job needs to post PHOTO media on social media platforms.

Talent applying for this job needs to post VIDEO media on social media platforms.

Talent applying for this job needs to perform a LIVE session on social media platforms.

Job offers travelling allowance (including flight, cruise, bus, taxi fares etc.) for talent.

Job offers gifts, vouchers, discounts etc. for talent.

Job offers meals (dine-in, food & drinks delivery, take away etc.) for talent.

Job offers admission/entrance tickets (cinema, museum, monument, amusement park etc.) for talent.

Talent needs to attend the event on the mentioned date.

CSR (Community Service Responsibility) Job is essential for individuals who want to improve their branding to support the community voluntarily*.